
John Danaher – Back Attacks Enter The System

Original price was: $217.00.Current price is: $25.00.

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Learn The Best Back Attack System In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Today

  • John Danaher is the most sought after instructor in the world today
  • Learn the same secrets that world class athletes like Gordon Ryan, George St. Pierre, and the rest of DDS use to choke everyone
  • Learn the system that has the highest finishing rate in EBI overtime history
  • Transform your back attack system by discovering the secrets that have changed the Jiu Jitsu game
  • This is an easy to learn system broken down into a curriculum for all levels and there is over 8.5 hours of content


One Irony is that the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu point system was created so that pins are awarded points in ascending value – Back Mount is largely considered the best position, yet if you go to a class anywhere in America and the class does back drills you’ll see a bunch of students flailing around on the floor and no one is choking anyone – John incredulously refers to this situation as “A Complete Disaster..”.

The problem? No one has any advantage – the guy starts on the back and he’s trying to choke the guy with one of his two hands and the guy he’s fighting is blocking – with his 2 hands – and nothing gets done… all of John’s systems are based on the same principle that you should look to have an advantage and exploit that advantage til the end.


Volume 1:
The Back as Ultimate Position
Limitations of Straitjacket System
Straitjacket System
General Reflections on the Back
Left/Right Control
Strangle Hand/Control Hand Dichotomy
Fundamental Insight of Offense and Defense on the Back: The Headtrap
Alignment and Deficit Problem
Solving Alignment Problem
Protecting the Bottom Hook
Through Movement
Through Movement 2
Switching Arms
Solving the Deficit Problem
Solving the Pin Armed Problem
Volume 2:
10 Critical Principles
Neutrality Principle
Primacy Principle
Percentage Principle
Top Position
Hidden Hand Principle
Specific Grips Principle
Default Principle
Hierarchy Principle
Concentration/Diffusion Principle
Closed Wedges Principle
Volume 3:
Working of Straitjacket System
Underarm Side
Double Strait Direct Grip
Single Cross Grip
Double Cross/Indirect Grip
Double Cross/Direct Grips
Neck Penetration System
New Theory of Strangling Mechanics
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john-danaher-back-attacks-enter-the-systemJohn Danaher – Back Attacks Enter The System
Original price was: $217.00.Current price is: $25.00.
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